Most common cause of vertigo:
Benign – it is NOT a life-threatening condition
Paroxysmal – it comes in brief spells lasting SECONDS
Positional – it gets triggered by certain head positions (such as getting in/out or rolling over in bed; looking up)
Vertigo – a false sense of rotational movement
This condition can naturally resolve itself within weeks, however repositioning techniques can excellerate the healing process to get the otoconia ("crystal") back home. These videos are intended to educate the viewer to perform the maneuver in the comfort of your own home.
Resources are available to find a provider closer to your home or have a phone consult to support you. Please inquire more for details.
Videos Coming Soon!
BPPV or "positional vertigo" occurs when a “crystal” called an otolith that should be in the Utricle of your inner ear, gets dislodged into the Semicircular Canal.
As the crystal moves in the fluid filled canal, it sends a signal to your brain you are moving (when in fact your head is still). This causes a signal for your eyes to move involuntarily and cause room spinning symptoms. Once the crystal stops moving in the canal, vertigo symptoms stop. Associated symptoms such as nausea, anxiety (because it can be scary), temperature changes, etc may also occur but this is secondary to the condition. Once the crystal is moved back to the Utricle, symptoms will resolve.
Repositioning maneuvers have shown to manage vertigo. This can be done in your home if you do not have a professional to perform the technique. Ensuring the proper canal is diagnosed makes treatment more efficient. No medication will "cure" this condition, it will only mask symptoms.
These videos include initial self assessment to ensure you are treating the correct canal and home training for self repositioning maneuvers. A bed & pillow will be necessary so technique can be performed comfortably and safely.
A follow-up phone consultation can also be arranged to support you.