6 Ways to Feel Better Now
Consider these suggestions to get you started but please consult a specialist for more information.
Your brain needs consistent messages to function properly. Research shows that combining good nutrition with time for mental and physical activities will have improvements in brain function and reduce symptoms of “dizziness”: foggy headedness, vision/hearing changes, imbalance, cognitive limitations, fatigue, vertigo, rocking, fullness in head/ear, headaches, etc.
1) FIND TRIGGERS: Keep a symptom diary. Record time of day and which symptoms occur as well as possible triggers (lack of sleep, weather, food, yes/no for exercise or breaks). Too many triggers added up may cause symptoms so be aware of them. Also record what does work for you!
2) TAKE BREAKS: Every 1 hour, sit or stand tall and close your eyes for 1 minute
• BREATHE in a deep rhythmic pattern through your belly to increase oxygen, reduce tension and promote relaxation. With this mindfulness check, see what your body needs (stretch, move, etc.)
• Schedule in activities that you enjoy doing to release happy hormones
• Reduce “Tunneling”: Look up and around you often to appreciate what surrounds you
3) IMPROVE SLEEP: The brain requires periods of deep sleep to rejuvenate
• Go to bed and wake up at the same time, try to be as consistent as possible
• Start a pre-sleep ritual at least 1-2 hours before desired bedtime. AVOID VISUAL IRRITANTS: turn off TV, computer, phone, etc. Do not look at phone/TV if you wake up in the night. Listen to calming music, audiobook, podcasts, read a book or meditate. Focus on slow, calm breaths
• Do not drink caffeine (soda, coffee, tea, chocolate) 8 hours before your desired bedtime
4) GET MOVING: Aim for 20 minutes of physical activity at least 4 times a week
• Physical activity keeps muscles and joints strong, provides natural energy and neuromuscular stimulation, promotes blood flow and has evidence to improve cognitive function. It is safe to stay active and can help with many of your symptoms. Get outside for fresh air often. Short walks are just as beneficial. Do not sit more than 30 minutes without getting up to move around.
5) MANAGE STRESS: Long-term stress causes health issues
• If you need resources to manage stress, ask for help to make these changes. Do not wait!
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness show good results on managing stress/anxiety
6) IMPROVE NUTRITION: Think of food as fuel for your brain & body
The digestive system is the body's first line of defense against infection and disease. A poor diet does not fuel the brain and body to allow for proper repair and protection. Here are Dietary Do's & Do Not's to consider.