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Meet The Team

Please join us on event days via Zoom: CLICK HERE
Zoom meeting ID for all events: 765 700 0305
Upcoming events
Please join our specialists throughout the year as they discuss tips on how to improve your brain's daily balance.

These are free events with the intent to raise awareness and fundraise for Seattle Dizzy Group: a support group for individual's with vestibular/balance disorders and Vestibular Disorders Association a leader in awareness and advocacy for vestibular conditions.
If you are unable to join us for the live event, the videos will be available to view in our "video vault"
Marching forward in April showers

Please join Vestibular Physical Therapy Specialists Dr. Kaela Pauly & Dr. Morgan Kriz as they discuss how weather changes may impact vestibular symptoms
Seattle Dizzy Group support meeting to follow discussion
Special Annual Event

Please join us to celebrate together VEDA's Balance Awareness Week! We will offer a short balance discussion followed by updates
Please check out ways to support Balance Awareness Week (Sept 19-25) hosted by Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA). More information
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